Jyotish brings light into the darkness of your destiny

Vedic astrology helps us understand all areas of our life
Jyotish is translated from Sanskrit as “the teaching of light”. It is a sister science of Ayurveda, an important addition and enrichment of Ayurveda. Some even say that it precedes Ayurveda.
Jyotish differs from Western astrology in its calculation principles and focus.
The insight into Vedic astrology shines a spotlight on the snapshot at the time of your birth. What is your soul planning in this current life, in this incarnation? The reading makes you aware of your potential and shows areas that should be given more attention. You will also receive inspiration that is tailored to you individually.
- Analysis of the 12 houses that represent 12 areas of life.
- Moon sign, ascendant and sun sign.
- Karmic axis of the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu.
- Potentials, weaknesses and task of this incarnation.
- Current phase of life and its priorities.
You can record your Jyotish conversation on audio to listen to it again later.
A Jyotish reading is like diving into the field of unlimited possibilities. It can increase the clarity of your perception. Always follow your own intuition and common sense to make decisions and do not act hastily.
“Established in Yoga, act.” - Bhagavad Gita
Please note the disclaimer of Pankaja Ayurveda (Imprint).
For the first reading, your birth details are required in advance (at least 1 week before the appointment):
- Place of birth
- Date
- Exact time of birth
A child is born on the day and at the hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma.
– Sri Yukteswar
In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things that weren’t meant for you.
– Buddha